Looking for a New Poker Site

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Hey man, I've been playing a lot of poker online lately but looking to try out some new sites. Do you use any you'd recommend signing up for? I'd like to find one with soft competition that attracts recreational players, not pros. Also need lots of traffic so there's always games running. And a good mobile app would be ideal so I can play on my phone too. Let me know if you have a favorite poker site you think I should check out. Thanks!

a répondu

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a répondu

Hey man, I've been playing a lot of poker online lately but looking to try out some new sites. Do you use any you'd recommend signing up for? I'd like to find one with soft competition that attracts recreational players, not pros. Also need lots of traffic so there's always games running. And a good mobile app would be ideal so I can play on my phone too. Let me know if you have a favorite poker site you think I should check out. Thanks!

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a répondu

wow cooL!!!!

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